Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is Henry?
Who can use Henry?
How does it work?
What states is Henry available?
What if I'm having a medical emergency?
Medication & Services Questions
Provider & Clinician Questions
Pharmacy Questions
Cost & Financial Questions
How do I get my medication?
Do I have to pay for my medication separately?
What if I'm not approved for a medication?
Are there any other medication Henry does not offer?
How do I see a provider?
Do I get to pick my provider?
What if I want to see a different provider?
Is it legal to see a provider through the internet?
Do I actually have to talk to the provider?
Where will my prescriptions be filled?
What pharmacies does Henry Meds suggest?
What if I want to use a local chain pharmacy?
How much does Henry Cost?
Does Henry accept insurance?
Are there any hidden fees?
Does Henry require a long-term contract?
What if I need to cancel?
What if I have a question about my bill?